Pages: 0-77
Prompt: Summary, connection, prediction
This week I am reading M or F? by Lisa Papademetriou and Chris Tebbetts.

Frannie has a crush on Jeffrey, but she's too shy to talk to him. After some online stalking, she finds him in a school chat room and wants to talk to him. Even then, she's too nervous. Marcus, her best friend, helps her out. He starts to chat with him under the name, "whoosie1988." Jeffrey thinks he's talking to Frannie but it's actually Marcus typing and Frannie standing behind his back, approving his words.
The situation that Jeffrey is in kind of reminds me of "catfishing." Catfishing is when someone uses another person's picture/ pretends to be someone they aren't to meet people online. You could say that Jeffrey is being catfished because it's more like Marcus and him than Frannie and him. Jeffrey asked Frannie on a date but she invited Marcus along. They went to a restaurant and because Marcus was joining, Jeffrey brought a friend of his own. During the "date", Jeffrey was trying to make a move on Frannie and she totall
y ignored him. This made me so angry because a lot of guys don't have the guts to say anything sweet, and on this rare occasion, she doesn't pay attention. At first I thought it was because she was shy, but if she was shy, she wouldn't talk to anyone, with the exception of Marcus. She was talking to Jeffrey's friend! No, Frannie, NO!
I think that Marcus and Jeffrey should end up together. The only problem is that Jeffrey is straight (or so he says.) In the story so far, Marcus hasn't shown that kind of interest in Jeffrey but I have a feeling it will happen later on in the book. The back summary says, "In the chat room, Marcus and Jeffrey hit it off. But the more Marcus write, the more he's convinced that Jeffrey is falling for him, not Frannie." I'm certain that this is going to wreck Marcus and Frannie's friendship but if this book is a cliche, then they'll fight over the boy, Frannie gets the guy, they make up. I'm really hoping for an unexpected turn of events.
Great blog this week! I like how you talked about what Jeffery is doing and what the situation is like. I know there is a show called cat fishing, did you ever see it?