Tuesday, May 13, 2014

40-Book Challenge

 Right now, I am on book twenty one in my 40-book challenge. Counting some longer books as two, I have read a total of thirty five books. I have not met the 40 books but if I finish three books I got at the library over the weekend, I'll be at forty one. I'm proud of myself for reading all those books because I use to read less than 10 books in a school year. I think that a big part of me reading more is writing a blog. Besides the fact that we could only write three blogs for one book, it motivated me to read more, so I could write more. Another reason I read more was Battle of the Books, mostly because I didn't actually have a choice. The thing that I really enjoyed about this challenge was that we got to choose which ever book we wanted. There were different genres we had to read but it was our final choice which book we read.  
 To be honest, I thought I would read more than 40 books this school year. When we first discussed the forty book challenge in class, I wasn't intimidated, I guess you can say I got a bit cocky in my head. I thought, "I can do this!" No, Athziry, you're too lazy and distracted to read that many books. (but I do give myself credit for believing in myself) I didn't exactly challenge myself this school year. This is me generally speaking with all things I do, I think of all these cool things I'm going to do, then I lose interest. That's what happened to me during the 40 Book Challenge. I was thinking I'd read book series and classic novels, but I got bored of them and read mostly books that didn't come with a sequel. I will try to push myself and stop being lame in 8th grade. 8th grade is going to be a really busy year for me, so I think I'll read not too many books, but not too little, just enough to complete the challenge. 


  1. I like how you said that you thought you would read book series and novels, but then you got bored of them. I actually don't like classic novels in my opinion. This year I think you really progressed, and your even almost done with the 40 books challenge! Almost every week on blogger. I've seen you read different books and all I thought was, "Woah she reads a lot" but it's actually a good thing.

  2. Athziry,
    Wow, that's so awesome that you read 21 Books! I'm sure you'll get to 40 (with the over a certain page number rule!) this weekend! I like how you said that you will try to be more motivated to accomplish this in 8th grade, it's a great goal! I think that if I didn't have the 40 Book Challenge, I wouldn't have the motivation to read as much as I did, like you said! I also love how you talked about how Blogs and Battle of the Books tied in with you experience as well! The 40 book challenge was thrill for me, and it sounds like it has been for you as well! Great reflection on your experience with the 40 Book Challenge!

  3. It's awesome how the 40 book challenge has motivated you to write your blog! It also motivated me to. It sounds weird since its homework, but it's nice to know that others are reading what I write and I get my thoughts out. On tumblr sometimes know one would read what I wrote and it kind of got frustrating. Good job on reading 21 books!


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