Comments: Elenia, Carlos, Stanley
One person in Hannah's tapes is Tyler Down. He's in the school's yearbook club so it's normal to see him with a camera around his neck. The reason he was on her tapes is because he's a Peeping Tom. He would go by her window and take pictures of her. She suspected that someone was there but she was unsure who it was. To solve this, Hannah invited her classmate, Courtney Crimsen. At the time, Hannah thought that Courtney and her were becoming friends but it was all really an act of "kindness" so everyone at school would like Courtney. Courtney and Hannah made an act, knowing that someone was at her window. They led the photographer on and caught him.

Courtney Crimson is the most popular girl in school. Pretty hair, nice teeth, perfect. She is "nice." In the tape Hannah says, "You could have taken the bitch route and still had all the friends and boyfriends you could handle. But instead you took the sweet route, so everyone would like you and not a soul would hate you." This was interesting to me because it's true. I think that the first route actually affects others less. If someone has that attitude, most people are intimidated, and just lay off. But Courtney took the sweet route which really messes with people's emotions. Imagine someone who has a reputation of being sweet, start talking to you. Not only are they sweet, they're one of the most popular kids in school. They're different, though. Not the typical "better than you" populars. This person acts very kind, acting how you're doing, and hangs out with you once or twice. You think to yourself, "What a wonderful start to a new friendship!" They don't wait for you after class or at least make eye contact with you later on. After that, you see that they act the same way towards everyone. They don't care about you, they care about themselves.
That's exactly what happened to Hannah.
I love that ending! Also the book you're reading is really interesting
ReplyDeleteI really liked her blog this week! I never read the book, is it good? I liked your description of everything thing. It seems like a god book!
Do you have any idea why the book is called *13 Reasons Why*? What else happened to Hannah? I feel bad for the fact that Courtney Crimson has done that to her. Hannah must've felt horrible and useless. What ever happened to Tyler Down? Courtney Crimson doesn't really seem like that "nice" person. It's like she would abandon you like nothing. I hope that in the book Hannah will find someone who cares about her. Amazing blog this week!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your blog this week, I really, really enjoyed it! I've been wanting to read this book for a while, and now, I know a little bit of what it's about! I know what you're talking about, the "nice" and "sweet" popular girl. There's plenty of those girls at our school who just pretend to be nice to you so they don't look bad. And, I knew I wanted to read this book, but your blog made it that much more intriguing. Your blog had such great descriptions and details. So, overall great job with your blog this week, and I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future!