Friday, October 17, 2014

1st Quarter Reflection

 This quarter has gone quickly and has been overwhelming. My lack of organization is the cause of this and that also caused me to not understand a majority of things I was doing. My main goal for next quarter is to actually use my planner and keep a schedule. I always say I'm going to do that but I'll actually do it now so I'm not so overwhelmed with all the work. 

  I think that I learn the most about the world around me from this class. I appreciate that the AoWs this year have been current events. Not even a day dedicated to "current events" in 6th grade helped me learn about the world around me. It's not even always the AoWs that I learn from; simple class discussions have helped me a lot. 

  In September I have read about 6 books. While I am proud of this, I don't want to read that much in a short period. It's really hard to remember a book I read quickly when writing my book blogs. Especially that we are assigned prompts, it forces me to go back to the actual book. I really got into reading last month and I was so happy but now I can't finish a book. I have a lot of books I'd like to read but don't. I'm currently reading Star Trek: The Motion Picture and I really like it. I keep forgetting it at home so I don't read as much as I would. 

Me this quarter
What I will start doing

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea for getting work done and I think I will start doing that too!


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