3. Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park. When I was in first grade, my teacher would read these to the class. I really enjoyed when she read Junie B. Jones until she eventually stopped reading for the class. It wasn't a big deal because I read them on my own. Junie's personality was so great and I thought I could relate to her because we were the same age.

4. Every Day by David Levithan is a book I just finished reading. It's about a person who wakes up in a different body every day since he was born. One day, he meets a girl and he falls in love with her but it's hard to be with someone when you're a different person each day. But what this book taught me was to be more grateful that I do have friends, and family, and just relationships with people. He/she was never able to have relationships because this person always changed bodies. Even though that can't happen, it did make me become a bit more grateful to be able to see the same people every day.

6. Wonder by R.J. Palacio I read this book last year in Ms. Belkov's homeroom. This book is about a boy who was born with a different face. The book is about not judging people. The main character got many bad looks just because of his face and they wouldn't bother seeing him the way he is. I think this can also help people think how lucky they are to be born healthy. August had to go through many medical procedures and he's just a kid.
7. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling is a magical series. (Haha) It expanded my imagination and gave me a small escape for the time I would read it. There's not much I can really say about it because I have so many reasons I love this series but I can't say it in words.
8. Arthur's New Puppy by Marc Brown. In kindergarten, I would go to the first grade reading class. On friday, the teacher would give us a starter book based on our reading level. They were these tiny short books and we would have to go around the classroom, read to three buddies, get their signature, and then we could get the next book. Going through all those books was a breeze for me so I was given this book to read. I read it easily and the teacher was impressed.
9. Dork Diaries series by Rachel Renee Russell. This book is third grade level but it's something everyone (especially girls) should read. Somehow you can relate to the main character with the dumb stuff middle schoolers go through. It's a short and fun series to read.
10. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green. This is one of my favorite books and it was unique. There were two different stories and they combined them at the end. It was great.
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